Symphony Technologies

Freeware Gage RR CalculatorFreeware Gage R&R Calculator

A quick R&R Calculator, using the following three methods:

Instantaneous Method for Automated Test Equipment & CMMs

1. Instantaneous Method for Automated Test Equipment & CMMs

Suitable for an automated test system or coordinate measuring machine where appraiser variation is negligible.

This calculation method requires only one operator and uses the within-subgroup standard deviation to calculate the Precision-To-Tolerance (P/T) Ratio.

Based on various Quality Magazine articles by John Raffaldi & Steven Ramsier.

GRR Short Method (Range Method)

2. GRR Short Method (Range Method)

The Short method evaluates the combined GR&R error using the appraiser range calculations.

Short method is easy on the shop floor and is used to quickly evaluate if a measurement system has deteriorated enough to warrant a detailed GRR study.

Based on the 'Range method' or the 'Short method' of evaluating GRR:
        AIAG MSA Manual - 4th Edition: Chapter III-Section B.

Gage R (Repeatability) Method
3. Gage R: Repeatability Only

This method is used to quickly demonstrate short-term gage repeatability. 'Reproducibility' component is not evaluated (hence just one R).

It may also be used for quickly comparing different measurement methodologies (such as different clamping locations) during gage system development.

Based on Gage R Study, AIAG MSA Manual - 4th Edition: Appendix D.

Download Freeware GRR Calculator

(for MS Windows)

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Related Software : ProMSA

ProMSA is a comprehensive software for MSA fully compliant with AIAG MSA Manual, 4th Edition.

ProMSA includes Variable Gage Studies
  • Stability Study
  • Bias Study
  • Linearity Study
  • Gage R&R using Range-Average, ANOVA and Nested ANOVA.
It also includes Attribute Gage Studies through
  • CrossTab (Kappa)
  • Signal Detection and
  • Analytic methods.
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